Friday, February 29, 2008


I am learning how to make books in the book art course. I am learning how to repair damaged book from circulation at the school library.

I'm all about books this semester.

It's completely taken over my reals.

pictures will be up soon of book I made and of my work place.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Some Drawings...

cocoon buddies, 2008
Jerry B. Phillips
acrylic, silkscreen ink, graphite

too much, 2008
Jerry B. Phillips
acrylic, silkscreen ink

Just some more little drawings. I have a bout 21 total I am working on. They are fun, and keeping my busy while I'm trying to find my way through this crazy art world.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

More work and fog...also fainting goats

born of the jelly 2, 2008
21 1/4 x 30 1/4 inches
Jerry B. Phillips

Collograph (polyester organza, matte medium)

About two weeks ago, Peoria was hit with a thick dense fog. Note that the time this picture was taken was around 3 or 4 in the afternoon.

Bradley graduate students sometimes like to pretend they are fainting goats.

New work

entangled, 2008
9 5/16 x 7 9/16 inches
Jerry B. Phillips
collograph (polyester organza, matte medium)

born from the jelly, 2008
4 x 3 inches
Jerry B. Phillips
etching, aquatint, drypoint

So here's some new work. The etching was the first of the semester. I'm still tweaking it , so it is not editioned but I'm really excited about this little guy. It still has a basis in the jellyfish forms I love, but I feel it is growing beyond just representing the animal. There was a feeling of change I kept experiencing when I was working on this. This little guy is precious.

The collograph is some new technique Oscar has shown me. It works very similarly to mezzotint, but eliminates the tedious preparation of the plate (also it is way cheaper to make). I'm growing quite fond of this acquired knowledge and have complete a large one I just proofed last night. I'll scan that and upload it in a little bit.