Sunday, November 15, 2009


I realize I haven't posted on here in a
ges. Jerry is being a great example and getting things done and actually using our blog.

I have been showing quite a bit around Nashville this year. They have been smaller group shows with some friends but it has been very nice to have deadlines again. Other than that I have been looking forward to graduate school, trying to make future decisions, have a full time job and make artwork.

Heres a photo of my bulletin board in my studio. The two animals in the top right corner are what I have been working on this morning. I am planning on cutting these sort of animal puppets out in LARGE multiples and hanging them all together in a group with framed artwork possibly? They are really just something I had been thinking about how to construct alot lately and figured it was time to try it out.

Been thinking about bears alot lately too. Not sure why.

1 comment:

Fighting the Forces of Fine Art Frustration said...

yay! i'm not the only one anymore! :D

- Jerry